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Thursday & Friday May 21
& 22, 2009
Thursday I drive into Casuarina to get my new spare tyre fitted, lunch at Bar Zushi,
then onto to the Nightcliff pool for my laps. I get there at around 2 PM and it is
wonderfully quiet. The water too is still very pleasant. Doing my regular swimming
again (I
try to come here 2-3 times a week) plus daily Omega3 capsules and one mineral
tablet are doing me the world of good. No more muscle cramps or pains and I feel in
good shape all round. I can still feel my left upper arm I hurt last year, but it is
certainly 85% back to normal. In the evening it is bridge in Palmerston again
Mairead. Last week, we hear now, we won with a whopping 73% score, it is very
in bridge to score that high, most wins are in the high 50s or 60s. A bit of luck is
course always involved too.
Friday it is quite cool in the early hours and the morning too is nice and
but warm enough to walk around in shorts and bare top only. It is just Paradise, as
I have
mentioned before. The construction of Kim and Andrew's new Darwin Airport Gateway Motel is progressing slowly.
It is schedule to open in about three weeks. Most of the carpets have been laid in
rooms and a container load of beds and mattresses arrived yesterday.
After my regular Friday seafood
in Palmerston I drive into town to help them with installing the beds. A lot of work
to be done in the coming few weeks, but I quite enjoy giving them a hand, good
too, as I feel quite done in at the end of the afternoon. Freda is still
Melbourne, so no bridge for me tonight. Just as well, I am quite happy to just rest
watch a bit of TV.
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Saturday May 23, 2009
Today is Irene van
Amsterdam's 98th birthday. She sounds very excited as I phone her
(feels like a 21 year old she tells me), has had numerous birthday cards, a huge
cake and visitors dropping in all day. Irene is still very sharp of mind and in her
flat right on the beach front in Brighton is most
comfortable. She will easily make the
100 I believe. Later in the morning I drive into town for a swim in Nightcliff, a
lunch in Casuarina and then onto the Darwin Bridge Club for the second half of a
championships tournament. This time Dev and I do much better than last week
and will probably
finish up well into the top half.
I am back home by 6 PM and enjoy a quiet evening watching TV. I phone Babette and Doug. There
have been
huge downpours of rain in SE Queensland and along the North coast of NSW (New South
Wales), a few towns had to be evacuated because of flooding. Even the Bruce Highway
Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast was cut (an unheard of event), so that Babette and
could not get down to work last Wednesday. Their home is high and dry of
course. The
beaches are getting a pounding too. I hope Mooloolaba Beach will not be damaged too much by the surf, the
dune strip behind the beach is quite vulnerable to erosion. Farther out to sea waves
up to
9 meters high have been reported. The good news is that all the water reservoirs are
filling up nicely, as they have been at dangerously low levels these last few
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Sunday May 24, 2009
(diary, politics)
The main topics discussed on the Insiders ABC TV program this morning is the
Government's excessive use of "spin", refusing to speak truthfully to the
public in
plain honest language.
I have been annoyed by this childish practice right from the start of Labour's
campaign with its glossy meaningless generalities, but since the present financial
it has reached absurd proportions. Thankfully an ever growing segment of the
population now
is starting to recognize for what it is : blatant manipulation of the media
entirely for
selfish political purposes.
The Government maintains that the "deficit",
stretching way into the distant futures, is only "temporary". The "recession"
also an unspeakable word for all Labour Ministers for a long time. On Budget
night the
Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan not once (!!!) mentioned the actual size of the
deficit (by far the largest in Australian history) in his speech to Parliament, an
unprecedented omission. Only very reluctantly, and after repeated pressure from TV
interviewers did Prime Minister Kevin Rudd utter the word "300", still
refusing to
add the word "billion" to pronounce the predicted true size of the deficit. The
mistrust of the present Government, long held by what the Insiders panel called "the
elite", is spreading rapidly now.
Sunday is a good day to visit the Palmerston Library. It is open in the
from 1-4 PM. So after lunch I go in and by chance happen to spot a recent book by Sebastian
Faulks (famous for his book "Bird Song")
titled Devil May Care, a James Bond novel Faulks wrote to celebrate the
centenary of
Fleming's birth on 28 May 1908. So I take it home
to see what it is like. Also a Microwave Cookbook. On my way back home I buy
hamburger meat from Woolworth and later in the evening cook it. Works out fine, but
I don't
like the taste of the meat and throw the rest of it away. I will try the butcher in
Nightcliff, who reputedly is the best in Darwin.
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Monday May 25, 2009
I have started writing "The Martinshof Story". It will include the segments I
written in this Blog so far and also tie all jewelry photos together in a separate
Gallery. But I
will continue with segments in this Blog itself too.
Therefore a very quiet day today spending most of it on the computer and having some
eggs on toast for lunch. In the evening a very pleasant night's bridge with
Kelly at the Arafura Bridge Club with our usual bottle of red. Freda
Park, my
other regular bridge partner, has also just returned from Melbourne and we will have
a game
again together next Friday.
My bridge session with
Caple last Saturday was better then I had expected, we won the session with a
respectable 62% score. But overall we only just managed to be in the top half due
to our
poor performance the week before. Never mind we are improving as a pair
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