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Contract Bridge
Part 2 (L-Z)

A - B - C - D - E - F

G - H - I - J - K - L

M - N - O - P - Q - R

S - T - U - V - WXYZ

Lessons - Lesson Deals

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Law of Total Tricks

opening lead - Bidding Guide p.18
which card to lead
opening leads in NT
opening leads in trump contracts
Partner's suit
dynamics of a lead

learn as you play - with your friends

length points

limit bid
response options
the limit bid concept

long suit - developing a long suit

Long suit Trial bid (convention)

losers (losing tricks)
discarding losers on high cards (Ex.2)
discarding losers by ruffing in Dummy
possible losers in trump contracts

loser on loser : L20.6

Losing trick count (LTC) - Bidding Guide p.17
own hand valuation
Partner's hand valuation

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major suit
major and minor suits - Bidding Guide p.1
major suit trump fits

making tricks
making tricks without a trump suit
making tricks with a trump suit

Mallon, John - books

manners - at the bridge table

Match point scoring
assigning an 'Average score' - to a board
averaging Match points
calculating percentages
IMPs - International Match Points (IMP Table)
Match points per Table
simple Match points scoring

maximum pass
replies by the Opener

Michaels Cue bid - Bidding Guide p.15

minimum - strong - maximum opening hand

Milton Work Point Count

minor suit - Bidding Guide p.1
better minor opening bid
Inverted Minor suit raises
Key card ask through 4♣ or 4♦

Mitchell movement for pairs - playing duplicate

Mollo, Victor - books
on finessing

Movements for Duplicate bridge
Howell movement for pairs
Individual movements
Mitchell movement for pairs

Multi cues - advBG p.14

Multi-2♦ Opening bid

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No Trumps (NT)
making tricks in No Trumps
NT responses - after a 1 in a suit opening
1 NT opening bid - Bidding Guide p.3
2 NT and 3NT opening bids
NT responses to 1 NT opening : Final bid - Invitation bid
Opener's reply - to a NT response, after his 1 in a suit opening
opening leads in NT - Bidding Guide p.14
scoring trick points in NT
strategy in NT play
suit responses - after a 1 NT opening

NT response after a Take_out Double or an Overcall

Negative Double response - Bidding Guide p.13
after Minor & Minor
after Minor & Major
after Major & Major
reply by Opener
Response by the Doubler

NOT drawing opponent's last winning trump
Situation 2
Situation 3

odd number of pairs in a Howell movement
table numbers

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Odd suits in RCO-2 Openings

odd number of pairs - in a Howell movement

Ogust Convention - Bidding Guide p.6

One Table Bridge : Score sheets - Calculator

Opener's reply after a suit raise

Opening bid
1 NT opening - BG p.3
Power 1 NT opening - supBG p.3
1 in a suit - Bidding Guide p.4   p.5
2 NT and 3NT opening bids - Bidding Guide p.2
1 Club opening bid - Bidding Guide p.2
2 Club
Preemptive Opening
Weak Two Opening
2 Club opening bid - Bidding Guide p.6
Weak 2 opening bids - Bidding Guide p.6
balanced hand opening bids
better minor opening bid
easy to remember - points required
opener's 15 point barrier
Preemptive opening bids - Bidding Guide p.7
when NOT to open the bidding

opening hand - minimum - strong - maximum

opening leads - Bidding Guide p.14
opening leads in NT
opening leads in trump contracts
Rule of 11
starting play after the auction

Overcalls - Bidding Guide p.8
Responses to a simple Overcall
1NT Overcall
Jump Overcalls
NT response after an Overcall
The Unusual 2NT Overcall - Bidding Guide p.15

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part score - less than 100 trick points
bonus points for part score, game and slam contracts

"Pass" sign - in silent bidding

Passed hand
responses by a Passed hand
Pass or Correct

Penalty Double
Rule of 6 and 4

percentages - how to calculate them from Match points

starting the play after the auction

points, hand evaluation - Bidding Guide p.1
high card points
length points
opener's 15 point barrier
responder's 10 point barrier
shortage points

possible losers - losing tricks in trump contracts

Power 1NT Opening - supBG page 3

Practice Deals - 1 to 60

Precision - Bidding System

Preemptive opening bids - Bidding Guide p.7
Rule of 2 and 3
Defence against Preempts - Bidding Guide p.16

priorities, bidding responses
after a 1 in a suit opening


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suit quality test

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range enquiry

Rank in RCO-2 Openings

raise - in the bidding
of 1 in a suit opening
after a 1 NT opening : Final bid - Invitation bid
jump raise by opener (after a suit bid response)
jump raise by responder (after a 1 in a suit opening)

ranking - of suits and NT - Bidding Guide p.1

RCO-2 Openings with weak 2-suiters
Bidding Guide p.25


Redouble (RDBL)
what does it mean
of a Take-out Double
after RCO-2 Openings
after a Doubled inverted Minor opening bid

reference books - on bidding and play

Relay in RCO-2 Openings

rescue bid, after a 1 NT opening - Bidding Guide p.3

responder (to opener)
bidding priorities after a 1 in a suit opening
bidding a new suit response after 1 in a suit opnening
easy to remember - points required
Negative Double - Bidding Guide p.13 after opponent interference
NT responses after a 1 in a suit opening
rescue bid after a 1 NT opening - Bidding Guide p.3
responder's 10 point barrier
responses with 11-12 points
second bid by responder after a 1 in a suit opening
suit responses - after a 1 NT opening

Responsive Double

reverse bid

Rodwell, Eric - Support Double Convention

Roman Keycard Blackwood (Convention) - Bidding Guide p.14
3NT RKC Blackwood
showing a void
Roman Key card ask through 4♣ or 4♦

rotation - of vulnerability

cross ruff
discarding losers by ruffing in Dummy
Dummy reversal
ruffing with a 4-4 trump fit
ruffing with a 5-3 trump fit
to gain extra tricks
to control a weak side suit
to develop a side suit
as entry to Dummy
when not to ruff

Rubinsohl Convention

Ruffing finesse

Rule of 2 and 3
Rule of 2, 3 and 4
Rule of 11
Rule of 6 and 4
8 ever, 9 never (finessing the Queen)
With 8 or less : double finesse (the Queen)

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Safe finesse

bonus points for part-, game and slam-contracts
scoring trick points in NT
scoring trick points in trump contracts
score calculator
score sheet - download
for 1 Table bridge : Score sheets - Score calculator

second bid by responder after a 1 in a suit opening

semibalanced, hand shape - Bidding Guide p.1

Sequence, in bidding - Bidding Guide p.11

jump shift by opener
jump shift by responder

short 1 Club opening bid - Bidding Guide p.2

shortage points - Bidding Guide p.1

shuffling and dealing the cards

signals, card - books
signals by the Defence : L21.5

singleton - holding only 1 card in a suit
hand shape
shortage points

skip-over principle in bidding

Slam bidding Conventions - Bidding Guide p.14 - Bidding Guide p.16

Slam contracts - making 12 or all 13 tricks
bonus points for part score, game and slam contracts
valuation points required for game and slam contracts

Slam Trial bids

Small Slam - making 12 tricks
bonus points for part-, game and slam-contracts

solid sequence - of cards lead by an honour

Splinter bids
with Jacoby 2NT response
with Bergen raises - Bidding Guide

Standard American - Bidding System

Stayman Convention - Bidding Guide p.12 and Bidding Guide p.3
Extended Stayman - supBG p.3a
Modified Stayman - supBG p.3

strategy, of Declaring side
strategy in the auction
strategy in NT contracts : Bidding Guide p.9
strategy in Trump contracts : Bidding Guide p.9
fundamental strategy

strong opening hand

Strong enquiry after a Multi-2D opening
weak options
strong options

ranking - Bidding Guide p.1
developing a long suit

suit quality test

Suit in RCO-2 Openings

super accept (of transfer) - supBG p.3

super fit 5-4 in a trump suit
Bergen raises - Bidding Guide

Support Double over an Enemy Overcall

sure winners
counting your sure winners
cashing in your sure winners in a cross ruff game

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3-5 trumpfit

2 Club Opening bid
Responses to 2 Club Opening

2NT Opening - Bidding Guide p.2
2NT Response - Bidding Guide p.4
Jacoby 2NT
Truscott 2NT
The Unusual 2NT Overcall - Bidding Guide p.15

table manners
table numbers

Take-out Doubles - Bidding Guide p.8
Responses to a Take-out Double
NT response after a Take_out Double
over 1NT Opening

Teams competition - IMPs scoring

Throw in
using a loser

Truscott 2NT

touching honours

after a 1NT Opening - Bidding Guide p.23
after Power 1NT Opening - supBG page 3

traveller - duplicate score sheet (blank form)

Trial bids
Long suit Trial bids
Slam Trial bids

tricks, making
making tricks without a trump suit
making tricks with a trump suit

trick points
scoring trick points in NT
scoring trick points in trump contracts

Trick value Shortage Points (TSP) - Bidding Guide p.1a

Tripple finesse

making tricks with trumps
finding a trump fit

trump fits
major suit trump fits
8 card trump fit
4-4 trump fit
5-3 trump fit
5-4 super fit

trump contracts
handling a trump suit
opening leads in trump contracts - Bidding Guide p.14
scoring trick points in trump contracts
strategy in Trump contracts

Trump Honours asking bid - Bidding Guide p.16

Trump play techniques

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United Kingdom - Bidding System used

unbalanced, hand shape - Bidding Guide p.1
valuation of very unbalanced hands

Unusual 2NT Overcall - Bidding Guide p.15

up the line, bidding suits

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Valuation of very unbalanced hands

Vernes, Jean-Rene (his Law of Total Tricks)

void - holding no card in a suit
hand shape
shortage points
showing a void with Blackwood

vulnerable - what does it mean
rotation - of vulnerability

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W. - X. - Y. - Z.

Weak Two Opening - Bidding Guide p.6
Ogust Convention
Defence against Weak 2 Openings - Bidding Guide p.16

Wei, C.C. - inventor of the Precision System

X - written cross in silent bidding

Subject Index Part 1

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© 2006 Michael Furstner (Jazclass)