Solo Bidding
Practice Room - Solo Play - Social Bridge Bidding System - Home
Basic - Intermediate - Advanced

  1. Suit raises : Facts - BG | by RESPONDER | by OPENER |

  2. 1NT (16-18) → Suit bid : Facts - BG | Majors | Stayman | Rescue bids |

  3. Overcalls & TO Doubles : Facts - BG | Overcalls | TO DBL | Mixture |

  4. Losing Trick Count : Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | Deal 13 |

  5. Weak & Strong 2 Openings : Facts - BG | 2♣ | 2♥ - 2♠ |

  6. Passed Hand bidding : Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | Deal 13 |

  7. Negative Double : Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | Deal 13 |

  8. Preemptive Opening bids : Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 |

  9. Position Specific Doubles : Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | Deal 13 |

  1. Splinter raises : Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | (History)

  2. Aces : Facts - BG | Blackwood | Minorwood | Voidwood | Kabel 3NT |

  3. Game-try Double : Facts - BG | Deals 1-4 | Deals 5-8 |

  4. Power 1NT Opening : Facts - BG | (Lesson)   (Klinger's assessment)   (The Blue Team)
    Modified Stayman : 1-10 | Transfers : 11-20 | Other : 21-28 |

  5. Crowhurst 2♣ Convention (Back-check Stayman)   (Lesson)
    Facts - BG - Examples | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 |

  6. Multi-2♦ Opening & Responses   (Lesson)   (The Blue Team)
    Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | Deal 13 | Deal 17 |

  7. Weak 2-suited hands   (Lesson)
    Simplified and Improved version (August 2016)
    Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 |Deal 13 |Deal 17 |

  8. Roman Key Cards : Facts - BG - RKC "1430" - RKC Minorwood switch
    RKC Blackwood | RKC Minorwood |

  9. Multi Cues : Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | With RKC |

  10. Multi Cues + RKC + Splinters : (The Three Musketeers)   (The Blue Team)
    Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | Deal 13 |

  1. Balancing Defence | Facts - BG | Balancing seat | Direct seat |

  2. Long Suit Trial bid | Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | (Lesson)

  3. Fourth Suit Forcing | Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | (Lesson)

  4. 2♣ Game Try Response and 2♦ Game Force Response (Lesson)
    Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | Deal 13 | Deal 17 |

  5. Cuebid Raises | Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | (Lesson)

  6. Truscott 2NT Response | Facts - BG | Deal 1 | Deal 5 | Deal 9 | (Lesson)

  7. Very Unusual NT Overcalls and Michaels Cuebid   (Lesson)
    Facts | BG Q | BG MC | Deal 1-4 | Deal 5-8 | Deal 9-12 |

  8. Quijote 2♣ Rebid : 1♠ - 1NT → 2♣
    Facts - BG | Deal 1-4 | Deal 5-8 | Deal 9-12 |
© 2017 Michael Furstner